Xinxiang Juxinglong Water Treatment Co.,Ltd. Contact:Mr. Xu Mobile:13653905177 Tel:0373-5651158、0373-5651855 Fax:0373-5651866、0373-5762666 Addrerss:Hongqi District, Dong Guan township government breakwater 500 meters,Xinxiang City, Henan Province
Selection of dosing place of fungicide
Adding non oxidizing biocides and oxidizing Bactericides to the circulating water (pump) forebay can effectively control the attachment of microorganisms to front-end equipment such as circulating water pump, improve the heat exchange effect of cooling water system, and prolong the service life of circulating water pump.
Selection of dosage and dosing frequency:
Oxidizing biocides are added in large doses and at long intervals for the purpose of killing biological adults. Non oxidizing biocides are administered in a low dose and high frequency to inhibit biological growth and reproduction.